Monday, March 18, 2019

Getting ready again

We find ourselves getting ready for a new adventure. On March 26th, Mike and I will be taking a flight to Japan. Leaving Halifax Tuesday afternoon, and arriving in Tokyo Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. we are meeting Aaron and Rika are, and we will spend two days there before taking the bullet train from Tokyo to Kobe where are in and Rica and our too precious grandchildren live. I'm setting up this blog this morning, March 18th, just to see if everything is still up and running. It's been three years since I've used this account. That's it for now, I will be filling you in as we go.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Things I did not do today

1. Make oat cakes because I held the Baby for 4 hours which was probably more important
2. Visit Laura's sewing room because she was too busy too.
3. Go for a walk because Jocelyn and Bhreagh and I made three parts of a gingerbread village
4. Probably another thing or two as well, ...

On the other hand I got the Christmas bags filled and tied up which was a huge task that could be done only when the girls weren't around. My suitcase is only half full as I am packing for home. Practically no shopping done, but go back and read above. It will at least be easy to manage.

You are reading this on Tuesday morning, more than likely, or else you are up obscenely late. I will be in the air as you read. My flight is at 7.20am to Newark. 2 hours in that airport and into hfx around 4 or so. As I said, I am ready to be home and this branch of the family is ready to reclaim the house. I am so happy that I was here and I will miss them all.

I will try to get an entry done in Newark, assuming there's free WiFi. Happy landings on a chocolate bar!

Busy Mom

Time to go home

Last diet coke, last tea bag...Time to go home. Time to bake oat cakes and have another knitting lesson with Jocelyn. Pretty well done, just the details.,...more later.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday night

We went for a walk this afternoon on the trail behind the house. What a great walk, slow and fast as five of us made our way along. Corned beef for supper which turned out great and various desserts due to the baking that's been done oner the past few days.

I brought my wedding dress with me in case Laura wanted it for some use with these Littles so this afternoon I washed it and dried it in the drier. Turned out great!! It has an overskirt that falls into a train that has a lot of available fabric in case she wants to incorporate it into something. I am pretty well finished with it as I can't get it zippered up any more. Can't believe I was really that small.

We had a great evening sitting with the girlies and laughing about this and that. A thing or two to do tomorrow. Hope the snow didn't inconvenience any of you. More tomorrow if you decide time come back then. Good night moon .

Sunday 2pm

This morning we did a foray to Walmart where I picked up knitting needles and some yarn to teach Jocelyn to knit. She follows instructions really well and is doing fine for a little girl who is 7. Is that too early JoLynn? She is enjoying the process and I hope with another session this afternoon and then another tomorrow night she will have the concept. I hope she does well enough that she can enlist someone to help her if she runs into a problem or she could lose interest in the whole thing after I leave. I'm not sure if Laura knits or not.

Chris is cooking corned beef for supper.

I have some sorting to do here in my room but it may have to wait till no one is around to peek. Jocelyn is very curious about the bags and things here in my room.

I think I will go out for a walk on the trail behind the house. There is a lot of activity here right now and it could be a good time. Back later.

Saturday, November 26, 2016