Friday, April 9, 2010

Opening the Brown Bag

I was in Florida in March and the Brown Bag Challenge came to a conclusion that month at Guild ( Last night I received my bag from Margaret and it was a completed runner! Ready to go!! What a lovely surprise.

This was one of our most successful challenges done by Guild members over the past number of years. Receiving an assortment of fabric from an anonymous quilter in a little brown bag required each of us to put on our thinking caps and decide on a small project which we hoped our person would like. Margaret was certainly on the money with this one. Great job!!


  1. Can't wait to see that one in person Anne, looks lovely but then Margaret does beautiful work as well .

  2. That certainly is a nice surprise. Lovely tablerunner. Looked through your blog, I to thought the same thing the first time I tried the disappearing nine way am I cutting. But I do love that pattern. Have my blocks, just need to stitch together the whole top.

    Visiting from Quilters World.

    Enjoy the weekend,
